The FireThis incredible story is from my good friend and chiropractor, Pete L’Allier. Thank God for unsung heroes who are willing to put themselves at risk to help others in need. May we all be so noble and brave should life ask us to be.

I looked at a patient’s X-ray today and told him he had a compression fracture in his spine that had occurred some time ago. He was unaware he had this injury, but I told him it had to have been the result of trauma. I asked him if he remembered any type of trauma that could have caused it. He immediately said yes, but then explained that it was hard to talk about and apologized if he was to get emotional.

Here’s the story he told me:

When he was the chief of a fire department, he and another fireman were the first on the scene of a horrible situation. A twenty-year-old girl had jumped off a bridge and hung herself. She was dangling from the rope and her mother was on the bridge above screaming hysterically. Making a snap decision, he told the other fireman to cut the rope as he positioned himself underneath the girl on the cement ground. He caught her body as it fell from twenty feet above. He said the impact was tremendous, but he had to do it.

As he neared the end of his story, he started crying. She lived. The outcome: only a broken leg from the impact, and a slightly broken fireman. I shook his hand. Hero.

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