A man was travelling through the desert. He was hungry, thirsty and tired when he found a tree that provided abundant shade, delicious fruit, and a spring ran under it.

The man ate of the fruit, drank of the water and rested in the shade.

When he was ready to resume his journey he turned toward the tree and said:

“Tree, how shall I bless you? Shall I bless you with sweet fruit? Your fruit is already sweet. Shall I bless you with abundant shade? Your shade is already abundant. Shall I ask for a spring to run under you? A spring is already running under you. There is one thing with which I can bless you: May it be God’s will for all the trees that come from your seed to be like you.”

Source: Talmud Bavli, Taanit, 5b
Quoted in Pablo R. Andinach
The Book of Gratitudes: An Encounter Between Life and Faith
(Wipf & Stock, 2016) page 93


A blessing is an act, gesture or word whereby one person transmits the power of life to another. | Walter Brueggemann

How do you, like the generous tree in the story, transmit the power of life to another?


Taken From : https://philipchircop.wordpress.com/category/wisdom-stories/